The art of pets has come down to us in the ancient near east. The talisman in Arabic means "a written letter". It is characteristic that the posters with the inscriptions of the sacred texts, numbers, or signs, were found by archaeologists and carefully studied were the ancient talismans for different purposes. The lucky mascot and the money from your hands can make each person. What you need? First of all, set a goal and comply with the rules.

That is a talisman
The more simple pet looks like a sheet of paper with the engraving of the prayer, symbol, number, or spell. It is believed that the words of the texts set in motion the magical powers that change the circumstances of the person. The blade engraving text to put in the leather pouch, or the pouch and place in the neck, as the variant in the hand.
Numerical talismans are afforded special respect. Many of them had the shape of a square with engraved numeric side, or letters. At times at the plate scoring the sacred words, which had the desired effect on the man, who was under the influence of the numerical mesh, the vibration that had been expressed in letters.
Talisman of clay or wood
The natural materials well attract abundance, luck and wealth to its owner, as they relate to the earth. To make the talisman, you must take the piece of wood and put in her runesword characters. The piece of work can be done in any way, the important thing is that she has rounded the corners are not valid.
Now in the piece of work and the need to put the rune of wealth. She looks like a rod with two horizontal:
Now it is necessary to take the talisman in your hand and invest in it a magic lens. Convey your desire to present, as the thoughts come into the material and fill up your special content. When you feel that the object of the loaded end, blow on it. Talisman ready. Now he must always be with you.
As an alternative, an artifact of making the clay and built the rune. It is also to comply with the talisman, and hot wax.
Simple pet of the wax

This artifact is no need to create, you only need to purchase wax candle. At midnight to stay alone in a room, place the candle in the glass and lights up. While burning, got the fire on the target you want to achieve in the near future. Fusion of the wax to absorb the energy of the words and the emotions, and save for a long time.
Hereinafter, allow the wax to cool, then remove the glass. The piece of wax must be put in cloth bag and always carry. When monetary luck to you come, to melt the pet in the fire with gratitude and buried — it has done its job.
Mud of the currency
To obtain the required amount of money, then talisman of the clay. To do this, it is necessary to mix with a small amount of powder cinnamon and honey, and of the received weight to form a currency. Until the clay has hardened, type a wooden stick (ideal for toothpicks) the amount of money that you want to get.
With the reverse side of initial, and the coin dry in the oven. When the pet is ready, blow into it three times and place in the bag or the place where you save the money. After the receipt of the amount of mud currency to be buried in the earth, with words of gratitude.
The sacred square Sator arepo talisman
This talisman attracts good luck in the fulfillment of the objectives. In five of the squares of the vertical and the horizontal inscribed the phrase "sator arepo talisman central tenet opera rotas", which translated means approximately the following: all the work of the great sower in his hands.
For the magic square met thought, it is necessary to formulate mentally goal and after you begin to draw:
- builds red ink square;
- incorporate in the square of the letter.
Talisman created any Monday a number couple of. The desire must be truly viable, you can't ask the higher forces of immediate us $ 10 million. Choose the amount of money and wait for the influx of finance. After the execution of the wishes square burned with the words of thanks.
The grass monetary luck
Plant magic can attract good luck to the man, if he gets to them a specific task. All the plants associated with the earth — the source of abundance.
Black pepper
You will need black pepper, a piece of paper without lines, and cells from the pen of crystal bubble (can kiosks pharmacists).
In the rising of the moon, note the required amount of money on a sheet of paper and take three times. Place the blade in the jar. Half fill the jars sweetpeas of black pepper and shake the left hand. When you are going to shake up the bottle, imagine the fulfillment of your desire of cash of luck. When you feel that the implementation of the desire, if possible, place the bottle in a bag and carry with you.

Magical herb
To create the herbarium of the pet should acquire the following ingredients:
- cinnamon sticks;
- the pine needles;
- a piece of ginger;
- the leaves of eucalyptus spp.
In a mortar with a pestle to grind the grass, thinking about the amount of money required. No one should interfere at this time, therefore, the work is better to spend the night. When all the ingredients to turn them into powder, pour it on the canvas of the bag and bandage green braid.
Important! The bag should be to sew with their hands in the eve.
In the bag, place a sheet of paper with a recording of a sum of money. When the dream is fulfilled in powder-based herbs, it is necessary to pour to the earth with gratitude. The bag can be used for another pet, previously lavit.